NPC Bikini Prep

Once upon a time, I competed in an NPC bikini competition.  It was a goal from my 20s, but I never thought I had the discipline to stick to a strict diet and exercise plan for 3 months, so I avoided it for years.  I finally committed to a show and entered my first competition in 2014, and then did a second one in 2015.  I didn’t realize it until the week before that show that I was 5 weeks pregnant with Jordan!  It’s amazing how you can change your body in such a relatively short period of time.  There’s also a huge mental component of bikini prep that I found surprising, but very rewarding.  If you are considering competing, I say go for it! You will make yourself so proud and be amazed at your physical and mental capabilities. You can do it!


Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Days Out

Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Days Out

Hi guys!  Just popping in to give a quick update on my bikini contest prep.  I can’t believe we aren’t measuring time in weeks anymore, but days- only two to…

Bikini Contest Preparation // One Week Out!

Bikini Contest Preparation // One Week Out!

Hi friends!  If you’re reading this, you may have stuck with me from the very beginning when I started training for this NPC Bikini Competition.  Thank you so much!  I…

Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Weeks Out

Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Weeks Out

Hi friends!  Now we are only two short weeks away from my first NPC contest.  I’m excited and TIRED!  Of course now that the contest is almost here there is…

Bikini Contest Prep // 3 Weeks Out

Bikini Contest Prep // 3 Weeks Out

With just 3 weeks left until my bikini contest, I’m finally feeling confident that I’ll be able to hold my own on stage.  This is such a big relief!  It…

Bikini Contest Prep // 4 Weeks Out

Bikini Contest Prep // 4 Weeks Out

We’re in the final stretch now, and I’m really starting to look forward to the end.  This last two weeks I had to kick it into high gear to try…

Bikini Competition Suit

Bikini Competition Suit

Last week, I went to order my bikini competition suit at Stakked Couture in Houston, at the recommendation of my trainer and posing coach.  Lining the walls when you walk…

Bikini Contest Prep (8 Weeks Out Recap)

Bikini Contest Prep (8 Weeks Out Recap)

This Saturday will be 7 weeks until my bikini contest.  Seven weeks sounds so much shorter than 8 weeks, less than 2 months away.  I’m getting a little freaked out…

Bikini Contest Prep:  10 Weeks Out

Bikini Contest Prep: 10 Weeks Out

Just popping in to share a progress picture I snapped today- 10 weeks out from my bikini contest.  I am seeing good progress, but I also am standing tall and…

Sample Bikini Contest Prep Meal Plan

Sample Bikini Contest Prep Meal Plan

I know some of you would appreciate a bikini contest preparation meal plan that includes the nutritional breakdown of the food, so I snagged one from a friend of mine…

Bikini Contest Prep // THE PLAN

Bikini Contest Prep // THE PLAN

I started working out with my trainer this week and it’s been very challenging.  I’m training to enter a fitness bikini contest that is just shy of 15 weeks away-…

Bikini Competition Prep (15 Weeks Out)

Bikini Competition Prep (15 Weeks Out)

I have always wanted to enter one of those fitness bikini competitions, but never have.  My first one will be July 5, 2014! via Jamie Eason has been my inspiration…