I Quit Sugar & What Happened Next

Hi friend! Welcome to a fresh, new week!  If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know I went sugar free for a week.  I was chronicling my journey and saved it to a highlight “NO SUGAR” if you want to see those videos.

Today, I’m excited to share my experience here on the blog with you.  I’m also a little nervous because these kinds of posts are vulnerable and can also be triggering for some people.

If talking about food and/or this kind of topic doesn’t resonate well with you, just skip it and come back for more fashion and fun talk next post! No hard feelings, promise!

I’m keeping this post 100% real and sharing pieces from my journal while I did this sugar free experiment (entries I wrote without thinking I would ever share them).  I hope my experience is helpful for anyone that also struggles with eating too much sugar and wants to learn more about how sugar affects the body.

I quit sugar

My Sugar Addiction

Although I try to eat healthy, exercise often, and take care of myself, I know I was addicted to sugar.  I had gotten in a very bad habit of going to Starbucks every.single. afternoon for MONTHS! and ordering a tall Iced Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso.

Not only is that Starbuck’s drink expensive, it took time out of my day to go there and although it’s only 100 calories, it has 10 grams of sugar.  AND, I’d find myself thinking too much about it.  Like, when would I go?? and then I’d want to structure my day around when I would be able to drink it.

I had the nagging feeling for years that if I could just quit my sugar cravings, I could really be in better health.

I was so afraid to commit to going sugar free because I really didn’t think I could do it.

I would eat so healthy, and then binge on sugar.  On James birthday, I ate half his cake.  I can finish a whole pint of ice cream by myself, and I’ve been known to eat 2 pints in a row!

And, I was eating too much “sneaky” sugar during the day.  A chewy chocolate chip granola bar (or two) after a meal, teriyaki sauce in my Asian meals, sweetened almond milk, etc.


  • You crave something sweet after every meal – YES, ALWAYS
  • You reach for sugar when you feel stressed – YES
  • You describe yourself as having a “sweet tooth” – YES
  • Your taste buds are dulled to sweet foods – YES
  • You get bloated after meals – I would wake up bloated after eating ice cream at night
  • You have dramatic energy dips and spikes during the day – YES
  • Once you start eating sugar, you can’t stop – YES


I watched Sarah Wilson’s “I Quit Sugar” YouTube video (& bought the book) and it helped me make the decision to go sugar free for one whole week.

Then, I also started reading The Blood Sugar Solution, 10 Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman.

Both of these resources were so good at helping me understand what sugar does to our bodies, why it’s so addictive and how to quit.

The premise of The Blood Sugar Solution is that you can begin to change your life in just 10 days by changing:

  • What you eat
  • How you move
  • How you rest
  • How you recharge, and
  • How you connect.

Learning about how highly addictive sugar is helped me understand that I do have a true addiction.

But, learning about Leptin Resistance was an eye opener and explained so much.  I’ve mentioned before that when I start eating Rhonda’s Chocolate Chip cookies, I literally cannot stop.  I can honestly put down 10 at one sitting or over a couple of hours, coming back for more and more.

In Sarah’s book, she explains these important facts about sugar (fructose):

  • Fructose makes us eat more
  • Fructose converts directly to fat, as opposed to being used right away for energy
  • Fructose makes us sick by inhibiting our immune system
  • Fructose speeds up the aging process
  • Fructose has been connected with cancers
  • Fructose is linked to dementia
  • & can cause a rapid rise in adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety and loss of concentration



I kept it super simple.

Don’t eat anything with ‘added’ sugar.

Fruit is okay because it’s naturally occurring and has fiber to go with it, but I didn’t eat any just because I was trying to wean myself off of anything that tasted sweet.

I’ve heard your taste buds will adjust over time and that’s what I was hoping.


The italics are from my journal entries:

Can I go one day without sugar? I doubt I’ll even last one day.  I WANT to quit this Starbucks habit. I’ve been getting one everyday.  I’ll grab an iced tea from the gym this morning and make a hot tea tonight- without any sugar.

The YouTube video girl said that she wanted to be able to decide to eat sugar, just not crave to it.  I’m similar and also crave sugar at night when I’m stressed out or trying to relax, not necessarily because I’m hungry. 

First day, I realized how much added sugar is in almost everything!!

The BCAA powder I add to my water had sugar in it as well as my gummy vitamins. I had to pour out my water and order new vitamins. The muscle egg I used to drink (chocolate flavored egg whites) has sugar so I won’t be drinking it.

I usually eat oatmeal with almond milk for breakfast, but my almond milk is sweetened, so I couldn’t use it.

The hardest thing is giving up my vanilla caramel creamer.  I LOVE it!  But I’m really at the point where I don’t want to drink that artificial sugar stuff in my coffee everyday.  Especially because I use so much of it.  It can’t be good for my body.

I had a bad headache when I went to bed.


I woke up with a terrible headache and I felt pretty yucky.

Had a headache all day.

But I feel like I’m doing something good for my body so that’s positive.

Got regular iced tea for my afternoon “treat” instead of my Starbuck’s.  Didn’t use any sugar packets, drank it black and it wasn’t too bad. I would normally add a Splenda.

Elliott grilled steaks in the cast iron pan I bought and they were delicious!  We had them with grilled zucchini, squash and asparagus plus real butter.  I wouldn’t normally eat butter, but adding in some fat helped me feel more satisfied.  I absolutely loved this meal and didn’t even want dessert after.

I also had a glass of red wine, yay for no sugar there.  See video at 30:16 for the explanation.


I woke up with another headache.

Bought nut pods for my coffee.

Continued watching the YouTube video and it’s really helping me stay the course.

Worked out and felt really good afterwards.  I can’t believe I’m actually on Day 3.

Went to Walmart and found Sola bread that doesn’t have sugar.  Also bought unsweetened almond milk.  I’m really loving this breakfast- two whole eggs cooked in a tiny bit of coconut oil and Sola bread toasted with a little bit of Kerrygold butter.

Also bought Jordan sugar free ketchup and I’m making fresh pico for grilled chicken Tex Mex.

Went to dinner with friends and ordered the salmon salad with no dressing.  The menu didn’t mention that the salmon had a sauce on it, but it looked like it, so I scraped it off.

Soooo hard watching everyone eat dessert, but I didn’t have a bite!  I actually went home feeling good, not hungry and very proud of myself for not giving in to that dessert that looked so good!


Saturday morning and I was craving an iced coffee, but still determined not to have the tall Iced Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso.  I made my own iced coffee at home with unsweetened almond milk, a little half and half and a nut pod.  It was really good! I cannot believe I like this!


I can’t remember this day! & I didn’t write anything in my journal.


Mad chocolate cravings, but still not giving in.  I’m sad the cravings haven’t really diminished. 🙁 But, I’m also surprised/excited I’ve made it this far.

I can’t believe I’ve gone 6 days without sugar!  It’s really incredible.  Even no sugar in my coffee. I NEVER thought I could do that. I put nutpods and half and half instead. 

My coffee tastes more bitter, but also creamy.  I add a dash of cinnamon too.  I still prefer some sweetness, but I want to quit my sugar addiction. The book I’m reading says it will take about 6 weeks.  So I will go beyond week 1 into week 2.  Then, sweet things should taste sweeter- more unpalatable.  I don’t want to be ruled by sugar with such intense cravings.

I’ve added in more fat to my diet to help me feel more satisfied- things like butter, coconut oil, steak and hamburger and my scale says I’m down three pounds?!

Here’s some of the things I ate this week:


I freaking did it! 7 days with no sugar!  I can’t believe it. Only creamer and nutpods in my coffee.  Wow.  I feel like I’m doing something good for my body and my body responded by letting go of fat – I’m curious to measure today and see my results.

My tummy feels tighter and toned instead of waking up feeling/looking bloated.  I’m quitting my sugar addiction.  Taking it one day at a time toward a 6 week goal.  

I’m still craving sweet things like chocolate, but replacing and adding in fat, whole eggs, butter, avocado and coconut oil is helping.  

This is the first time in my entire life I’ve been able to go without sugary creamer in my coffee.  That’s a huge accomplishment! I’m actually enjoying my coffee this way.  It’s supposed to be better for you to not start your day with something sweet – that sets the tone for your day. 

If I keep this up, how will I look and feel? I’m excited to see.  Maybe my skin will look more vibrant and clear. 


Starting in January 2023, I was tying to lose some weight.  I had gotten up to 113/114 after the holidays and I feel best around 105-107.  In December, I make all my favorite yummy treats like Chocolate Covered Toffee, Rhonda’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars . . .  and I don’t really hold back- but that always results in a weight gain I want to lose come January.

This year, to keep me accountable, I would measure myself with the InBody Analyzer weekly.  That gives me info like weight, body fat, muscle mass, etc.

I had good results for the first month, but in February I had plateaued.

What this shows is that I weighed 108.9 lbs on Day 1 and weighed 105.6 lbs on Day 8 – losing a total of 3.3 pounds.  That’s a big loss for me.  I usually lose about 1 pound a week if I’m trying.

The awesome thing is, my muscle actually increased a tiny bit – 2 pounds.

I went down 2.2% body fat.  From 21.8% to 19.6%

I was ECSTATIC with those results!  I felt SO GOOD!!!!


Sugar is in so many foods, sauces, and drinks.

But, if you stick to mostly whole foods, things not in a package or bottle, there are many sugar free options.

Adding fat to my meals kept me more satisfied and less hungry between meals.  Also, it’s better to eat whole foods (like whole eggs) and not “low fat” options.

Eating sugar makes me want to eat more sugar!!!

Sugar substitutes like erythritol hurt my stomach.  After my no sugar week, I tried some keto ice-cream that was sugar free, but the sweetener gave me a stomach ache.

I realized that I like to eat sugar (sweet things like ice cream) at night as a way to cope with stress.

My body let go of fat when I went sugar free.

One of the biggest things I noticed though, was that my energy levels were more stable.  I didn’t have those highs and lows that I typically have.  Often, I used to want to take an afternoon nap or felt really sleepy.  That didn’t happen while I was sugar free.  My energy felt so much more “even” throughout the day.  I was less irritable and anxious.


I pay much closer attention to food labels and the amount of sugar in my food.

I don’t eat as much sugar in my daily diet anymore.

I don’t add sugary creamer to my coffee anymore.  This one surprised me the most.  For over 20 years, I’ve been adding a lot of vanilla caramel creamer to my coffee.  And when I say “a lot” I mean 3 tablespoons.  Yep, I used to measure it out.

Since my sugar free experiment, I haven’t been adding sweetened sugary creamer to my coffee.  I think that’s the biggest change.  Now, I add 1 tablespoon of half and half and 1 tablespoon of nutpods with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.


After my week going sugar free, my family went to San Antonio for Spring Break.  While we were on the Riverwalk, I ordered and really enjoyed a big scoop of ice cream in a sugar cone.  It was so good!!  But, when I was finished eating it, I felt so bad physically.  I could tell how low my energy dropped and I felt extremely bloated.

The biggest takeaway was realizing WHY I want to eat ice cream at night.  It’s truly how I like to relax and unwind at the end of the day, BUT, I leaned that when I eat ice cream, it’s incredibly difficult for me to eat it in moderation.

When you eat sugar, you crave more sugar.  It’s a vicious cycle for me.

I tried to go 30 days sugar free and around Day 12 I did a major binge on ice cream.  That started me on eating ice cream again almost every day!

Back from Spring Break and it’s rough Ate way too much ice cream.  Binged Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Not even sure why. Last night, I ate two pints in a row! I wasn’t even that hungry.  I should’ve just went to bed. I think I was trying to decompress.

In retrospect, when I reflected on the rest of those journal entries at that time, I had a lot going on that week and was extra stressed.  I was also exhausted and not getting enough sleep.  I think that led me to those sugary decisions – I just wanted to numb out and my vice is ice cream.


Bottom line is, I still struggle with wanting that ice cream at night. 

The good news is, I eat MUCH less sugar throughout the day now and haven’t gone back to the sugar in my coffee. #smallwins

I’m more aware of what sugar does to my body, mood and energy.  I’m trying to not beat myself up about the sugar cravings that I do still have, because I now know that sugar is really addicting.

I’m really glad I did this challenge.  I didn’t think I could do it and I’m still surprised that I made it one full week.  I didn’t make it a month, but I’m still very proud of those 7 days!

What I’m trying to do now is stop eating after dinner.  If I make dinner my last meal, I won’t eat ice cream because I really only want it later in the evening.  Then I try to go to bed early and wake up early.  It’s great for my productivity, but also helps me avoid late night eating.

I wish I could snap my fingers and not crave sugar anymore.  But, as I’m writing this, I’m recalling that it takes about 4-6 weeks sugar free for your body to adapt to less sugar cravings.

I don’t want to set myself up for failure by even attempting to go that long without sugar.  It’s almost like it would be too much pressure on me and I’d feel worse about myself if I failed.

So, I try really hard to make healthy choices (eat whole food) during the day, and not give in to temptations at night.  I should stop buying ice cream and just have two squares of dark chocolate.  That would be better.

I did love how much body fat I lost when I went sugar free, so that’s encouraging to know that if you want to lose weight for a trip or occasion, cutting out sugar is one way to guarantee results!

I’d love to hear your comments on this post.  Was it helpful?  Do you have a similar sweet tooth?  Have you struggled with eating too much sugar?  Have you been able to go sugar free.  Gimme all the tips in the comments!

Now let’s go kick Monday’s booty!

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Meet Megan

Hi! I’m Megan, mom to a thoughtful teenager and spunky young girl. We call Houston home and recently moved into our dream home. I traded my lawyer hat to become a full-time blogger in 2010. I love sharing my passion for affordable fashion, home decor, organization, & fitness to help inspire you to take care of you!


  1. This was really interesting! I started with too much sugar at Christmas and really haven’t stopped. I use fat free half and half in my coffee and some liquid stevia, but I wonder if I used normal half and half and no sweetener? I think my biggest problem is the sneaky added sugar in everything like you said. Even the American ketchup has tons of sugar compared ot ketchup in other countries. The food industry has made us addicted! So inspiring – thank you!

  2. Thanks for being so transparent! I too am addicted to sugar. I can really relate so much to your ice cream addiction and sweet tooth. I love sweets and crave them daily. I love healthy foods, but want something sweet after a meal. This is a great idea and I need to try and cut back on my daily sugar intake.

  3. Thanks for taking this challenge and sharing with us. I definitely have a sugar addiction. I can’t even remember the last day I didn’t have a dessert. Like you, I’m very active and work out a lot. But my scale doesn’t budge. Now I have some tips to work with. This was very helpful, and I appreciate your honesty with the struggle.

  4. To stop eating after dinner I brush my teeth right away. Then we take our dog for a walk. Hopefully we see neighbors or meet new friends and with that going on I forget about wanting to binge on anything and the fresh air and exercise does me good.

  5. The challenge you face with sugar addiction really hit home with me. I too struggle with sugar and openly admit I have an addiction to it. Like you, I can’t just have a little, I’ll binge a whole cake or pie and it will just keep calling my name until it’s gone! It makes me feel so crazy! I’m a petite person too and understand how just a few pounds on a small frame is harder to hide. I find when I stick to a strict low carb diet, the cravings go away and I feel better and am happier. Thank you for sharing, it’s nice knowing this is a real problem and not all I’m my head!

  6. THANK YOU!!!! For you opening up and sharing this!!! I have the same struggle. Sugar is my go to for stress. You’ve inspired me to make a change!

  7. Thank you for sharing your experience and the highs and lows. I enjoyed reading this! I find myself being all or nothing with dessert too. This gives me things to think about and will make me more aware of what I am eating, labels, and WHY I am eating. I am also going to be more aware of connecting sugar intake to how I feel afterward! Thank you:)

  8. Great post! I read the same book… it is eye opening. It’s always nice knowing, you aren’t the only one with a sweet tooth. I used to love your health and fitness posts! I’ve followed you since back in your bikini comp days! Would love to read more about this kind of stuff!
    Also, thank you for your transparency in this post!!

    1. Oh those bikini days! I was thinking back on that and you know what, even though I had to eat very clean for about 12 weeks, I still had that sugary creamer in my coffee- even back then!

  9. Maybe since you bloat so much from ice cream that it’s the dairy. Dairy can be notorious for that. 😝 Thank you for sharing your journey for us to learn!

  10. Today is Day 1,596 without sugar. I started on New Years Day a few years ago and just kept going. I planned to do 30 days and just kept going. Somewhere around 100 days the benefits were so good that I’ve never looked back. For me the voices in my head finally stopped. I had a nasty little voice that told me how much I needed to exercise, what I could and couldn’t eat, etc. Silencing that voice with no sugar has been a huge blessing.

    The end-of-day thing is hard. One thing that helped me was deciding what I *could* have at the end of the day. For me, I like a flavored seltzer at the end of the day. I get lemon/ginger ones from Trader Joe’s. There’s no added sugar and they give me just enough ‘taste’ and a break from plain old water. It feels like enough of a treat that I don’t want anything else.

    Also, you might want to think about knitting or cross-stitching or coloring or playing cards or something to do with your hards so that they’re too busy for end-of-day treats.

    Way to go. This is hard. And, you’re doing it.

    1. ok this is VERY encouraging! Good for you for conquering this! You should feel very proud of yourself. Coloring at night with Jordan is something we enjoy doing together- also getting outside and riding bikes or playing basketball helps me not sit on the couch and want to eat.

      1. P.S. I really do keep track of the days. I didn’t just look at a calendar and figure out which day it is since I haven’t had sugar. In fact, I tried a few times to do No Sugar before this one took. I used to do Halloween to January 1st and another year I did January 1 to Easter, maybe one year I went to Memorial Day. You had a great first try! That counts. Not one moment has been wasted.

        Jerry Seinfeld once said that the best way to get a streak and keep a streak is to get a giant calendar and mark it off every day. I use the app, Streaks (no affiliation; I’m just a customer). I have a No Sugar streak and check it off every single day. That has also been motivating.

  11. Thanks for everything you shared, Megan- super helpful and I love how you journal and self-reflect on how things make you feel. Normally I try to practice moderation because cutting things out completely usually sets me up for failure/bingeing, but with sugar, I feel like you really do have to be a little more drastic because of its addictiveness. I’ve found the Brain Over Binge podcast to be very interesting and helpful (start with episode 1).

  12. Oh thank you for sharing. I too am addicted to sugar. It is evil. I gained 10 pounds this past year and I have to get it under control. I’m inspired to work at it knowing I’m not alone. Thank you.

    1. You are definitely not alone Pam! I’m learning so much about this sugar addiction and how real it is and how many of us struggle with it.

  13. I replaced my French vanilla creamer with heavy cream a few months ago and I do not miss it at all. I don’t add any sweetener at all just the heavy cream and it is so good! I also eat 2 dark chocolate covered almonds after lunch everyday, LOL, but it works for me to keep sugary treats in check mostly because I also don’t like how I feel after eating them. On vacation when my family wants to go for ice cream every night I’ll get a kiddie cup every other night, especially if I’ve indulged at dinner. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience!

  14. Thanks for sharing your experience with so much honesty. While I don’t relate to having a sweet tooth, I do crave salt and can’t keep chips of any kind in the house.

  15. I’m another petite sugar addict with a MAJOR ice cream addiction. I am so glad you shared your fails along with your wins because it definitely is HARD. I know I need to reign it in. I deal with SO much guilt and I feel bloated and unattractive often. I would love to have power over the addiction but my past failures mess with my motivation. This post has made me think: what would life be like if I didn’t struggle with sugar addiction? Could it really be possible to change?

  16. I’m in the same boat as you and your posts have encouraged me to take on my sugar addiction and try to stand up to Big Sugar. I had been seeing a noticeable improvement in fatigue, but backslid this weekend with bakery gifts a friend dropped off. This morning is a slog. Outside the home, I’ve found it easier to look but not partake in sweets, but it’s so hard to avoid the temptation of what others, including family members, bring into the house! Please keep posting your progress and challenges – it helps with my own and is much appreciated!

  17. Thank you so much for sharing. I too struggle with sugar . Just curios whats a nut pod ? Many thanks

    1. Oh good question Stacey. Nut Pods are no sugar creamers made with nut milks. They’re really good, lots of different flavors to choose from. You can get them at your local grocery store.

  18. Also struggle with sugar binging, and it’s a familiar way of “coping” with stress. Like you, I find it so helpful to learn WHY I’m doing something that I know isn’t healthy for me. You’ve given me some great tips on how to get a handle on this habit that gets out of control at times. Thanks, Megan, as always for the inspiration.

  19. January 1st I cut waaaay back on sugar. My sugar fix was cheap candy from CVS or chocolate chips I kept “in case” I needed to make cookies! I’ve lost the battle a few times but have really gotten out of the habit. I’m seriously dieting and having to record that sugar-loaded food has kept me from it, mostly. Good luck, and thanks for the honest post!

  20. I really loved this post, thank you so much for sharing! I love finding new ways to make things healthier. I’ve started using coconut sugar in my coffee instead of regular sugar and I can tell a difference in my energy level after! One of the things that I admire about you is your determination, I KNOW that if you commit to 6 weeks, you can do it!

  21. Thanks for sharing! I have a major sweet tooth, definitely a chocoholic!!! Cups of tea have been helpful when I want something sweet, especially at night. And, I don’t want to trade sweets for nightly wine , which I was doing, but don’t want to set that example for my kids. There are so many yummy flavors of herbal tea, that are really sweet once you get out of the habit of the high fructose corn syrup and your taste buds reset, like you mentioned. Also, the tea is so hot when you start, it forces you to drink slowly and savor, which is the opposite of how I often consume sweets. It’s a good reset in that way too.

    1. I did invest in a new tea kettle that I really like, I used it last night and will plan to again- hopefully to replace the ice cream!

  22. I’m addicted to sweets as well, especially creamer and diet sodas. Thanks for this post! I was wondering what Inbody Analyzer do you use?

  23. I too make a beeline for dessert immediately after eating lunch or dinner. Even if I am full I still reach for something sweet. I used to do the ice cream but the bloated feeling made me miserable. Then I started with the dark chocolate squares. Healthier still but lots of sugar even in dark chocolate and turns out I don’t even like chocolate that much. Now I make protein balls and put them in the freezer. Natural almond butter, chia, flax, a tiny amount of oats, protein powder, collagen peptides. Sometimes a few chocolate chips. Since they are frozen takes time
    To eat and turns out my kids like them / and I use them
    To replace the sugary bars they eat. Still not perfect on the sugar – but it is less sugar, more protein than what I was previously doing – and most importantly it’s satisfying to eat

  24. Great post ! We used to drink a lot of tea and put a teaspoon of sugar in each cup….we stopped that a few years ago and now don’t miss is. When my husband had a heart attack we stopped drinking diet soda and try to eat low fat, healthy, whole grain…and I do look at the sugar in what little processed food we eat. You did AMAZING….I will say we cave when we go out…ice cream, dessert. I love to bake and make muffins with whole wheat flour, Smart Balance oil instead of butter, toss in oat bran and flax seed….use greek yogurt instead of sour cream…but I have to use real sugar. If I use any kind of substitute the muffins are so dry. So…I use a scant amount. Inspired by you…going to try to cut out even more sugar.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience Ann. I’m so glad your husband is still with you. Our health is so important!

  25. I too would love to give up sugar but when I’m still have my monthly cycle at age 55, I give in to the cravings. I only have ice cream and salty potato chips during that time. I do have to figure out how to eat raw food instead of pkg foods. I was eating a 20g protein granola bar while reading your post. It’s convenient to eat while at work & not messy. Yet it has added sugar & is in a pkg. I want to get off protein powder too and consume real food. PS where did you purchase the body analysis? Or do you go somewhere & have it done? I’m curious to learn more about that.

  26. I loved reading about your journey going sugar free. I too have struggled with the “sneaky sugar” addiction and the up and down energy levels. I read a book on leptin resistance that first began to resonate with me. During Covid shutdown I started an intermittent fasting diet. I had no intention of dropping sugar but found when I cut my eating window to six hours a day (yes, YOU CAN eat only two meals a day!) my body naturally started craving things that would satisfy my hunger and keep me full longer. One of the things I had to drop was creamer since I didn’t start eating until lunch time and I need caffeine to start my day. I actually prefer black coffee, something I never thought I’d say! I’m 59, 5’7”, post menopausal, and 15 pounds had snuck onto my ideal weight. Three years later I’m back down to 140 lbs and I feel great. If I fall off the wagon it’s been easy to get back on again. Your post today is great encouragement, thank you!

  27. Great post, appreciate your transparency! I was also wondering about the inbody analyzer-I’ve used one before at a clinic but is there an at-home version or tool you can buy? Would like to know more about that-thank you and keep it up!!

  28. I need to do this!!! I eat (otherwise) very healthy – I love fish and vegetables and fruit, drink red wine, etc. I love to workout daily, LOVE it, like I think it is a treat and “me” time. But the sugar! Kills me! And just like you I think it’s a decompress / stress relief / end of day ritual for me. Thanks for sharing! Keep it up so we can follow along!

  29. Hi! Thank you for sharing your journey! Love the realness of all your posts, and all the detail and care that goes into your journals!! For me, the only thing that helps me is not approach it “all or nothing”…if I tell myself I’m not allowed to do something, I automatically want to do it. Lol. (Rebel at heart 🤣). I am not sugar free, but I have reduced a lot of sugar in my diet by focussing on Whole Foods and eating dark chocolate and peanut butter if I want something sweet. Everyone has to find the way that works and none of us are the same, but one thing is for certain and that is: I feel so much better eating less sugar!! Thank you, again for sharing!!

  30. I love your blog and I always look forward to the next! Today’s really spoke to me as I know I am addicted to sugar! I could eat butter cream icing like it was my job! Now that I am in my 50’s I have finally come to terms that everyone wasn’t lying when they said losing weight in your 50’s is tough. Blah blah blah but dern it it’s so true!! I am interested in the book you mentioned today about I gave up Sugar. Does she talk about the foods to eat and to stay away from? Thank you so much for sharing your journey and for reminding us it’s hard and it’s okay at the same time!

  31. Megan, you might be interested in the book, “Year of No Sugar” by Eve Schaub. It’s been out for awhile now, but it’s a pretty funny memoir detailing one family’s journey to eliminate sugar from their diet. One thing that stood out to me from that book is how prevalent sugar consumption is in American culture. We use sugar for everything; birthday cakes, Halloween treats, Christmas cookies, etc. The book will probably provoke some interesting conversations with your children. They’re lucky to have a mom who cares about their health and well-being!

  32. This is inspiring! Reminds me of when I ate way too much sugar and sweets and then had gestational diabetes when pregnant with my first baby, no fun! I still try to count carbs it helps a lot with energy levels. I learned things like pasta and ice cream are an ok treat if in tiny measured portions (like 1 spoonful) and a walk or exercise after to help keep blood sugar in check. But not getting enough carbs was just as unhealthy feeling for me. A regular traditional diabetic plan was something like 30 carbs for breakfast, 15 carbs for snack, 45 carbs for lunch, 15 carbs for another snack (mixing a carb and a protein like half an apple and peanut butter or cheese), then 45 carbs for dinner and maybe 15 carbs for a snack at night. When pregnant it was 30 carbs for breakfast, 15 for snack, 60 carbs for lunch, 15 carb snack, 60 carbs for dinner, and 30 carbs for snack. I was appalled when I saw how many carbs my favorite ice cream and milkshakes were! I still try to count carbs and watch sweets, bread, rice, pasta, fries, etc. to delay regular diabetes as long as possible. But keeping that blood sugar not too high but also not too low is something I still struggle with in the midst of life!

  33. Fantastic, informative post, Megan!! I follow you on the gram and was keyed in on the stories when you did this! Thank you for being so transparent. Something that helps me is definitely eating natural fats, too. Also, taking my dogs in a walk after dinner helps the food digest and also distracts me. By the time I’m back in, it’s time to get ready for bed and wind down!

  34. Thank you for this honest post! I, too, struggle with sugar consumption. Very disciplined during the day and the evening is my downfall. I relate that adding in some fats has really helped me feel more satisfied. For breakfast, I enjoy almond butter on the Sola with fresh blueberries on one slice and on the other smashed, fresh avocado with a sprinkle of sea salt, along with eggs. The addition of the creamy no sugar or salt added (Barney brand) almond butter and the natural sweetness of the blueberries, plus the fat of the avocado truly keeps me full.

    I have also learned to utilize dark cocoa powder (with no sugar) for smoothies and in plain Greek yogurt.

    I would love a list of items that make this easier for you and your family such as the ketchup brand, the bread you shared, etc.

    Just knowing others are trying to reduce or eliminate sugar as well — and it is okay we’re not perfect…our kids need to see this!! — is encouraging! I have started ordering and sharing one dessert with my family when I want to indulge with my kiddos and also exercising/moving toward a treat, such as riding bikes or run/walking to get a shared Italian ice.

    Many blessings!

    1. Same here, I’m fine during the day, but the nighttime is when I struggle. And thanks for letting me know what you’d like to see next, I’ll start making a list!

  35. I. LOVE. THIS. If there was an AA for sugar addiction, I would go. I love sweets. You eating 10+ of Rhonda’s cookies sounds just like me. Thank you for being raw, open and transparent. Here’s an embarrassing secret I haven’t shared with ANYONE. Since October 2021, I’ve eaten Crumbl cookies *every week*, with the exception of 1 week during winter break and 1 week during the summer. What the hell! Not only is that terrible for my bank account but it’s disgusting for my body! but they’re sooooo good. Anyway, secret’s out! I am going to quit sugar too. For me. For my kids. For my husband.

  36. In Australia, Sarah Wilson is just another pretty tv host who felt like writing a book. I am unsure why anyone would follow her medical/dietary advice given she has no credentials in that field, but here we are… It’s kind of like seeking medical advice from Vanna White. Anyway, I guess I just wish people would seek actual credible advice from doctors, dietitians rather than following fads like this and then using their platforms to push it further.

  37. I can so relate to this! I quit sugar and white flour for 1 1/2 years and felt so good. Then I fell off the wagon and experience a lot of the things you mentioned. It seems like it should be easy to stick with eating right when it makes us feel so much better. When I am trying not to eat added sugar and I really crave ice cream, I mix whipping cream, frozen strawberries and fruit spread with no added sugar in a blender. It’s delicious! It’s still sugar, but it seems less harmful to me than eating a lot of processed white sugar. I also use liquid vanilla stevia and fruit in plain yogurt with a tiny bit of salt added (salt makes stevia taste better). My daughter also gets stomach upset with sugar alcohols. I’ve read that you should start out with smaller amounts and work your way up, but she has never tried that. Since stevia is a plant and not a sugar alcohol, maybe that would work better for you?

  38. I used to have a HUGE sugar craving. Baked goods are my weakness, but I am a black coffee drinker and check labels for added sugar. It is in soooo much stuff 🙁 My favorite sweet treat now is JoJo’s dark chocolate bars (I buy them at Costco). They have 180 calories, 8 gm sugar, 5 gm hemp protein. I couldn’t overeat these things. They really are satiating and I don’t crave more after finishing it. It is my win-win 🙂

  39. I am a healthy eater and weight lifter all week, and I also binge on sugar on the weekends to decompress. I go into a trans and binge on cake and cookies like it’s my last day on earth LOL, then I have to work hard all week to reset. I need to understand my triggers better I guess. I enjoyed reading this because I relate 100%. Thank you for being real!

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