Year: 2013

Perfect White Coat

The search for the perfect white coat is over!  Because Houston isn’t generally very cold, I always talk myself out of buying a warm coat, but inevitably there are those…

Minted Giveaway // 100 Holiday Cards

Minted Giveaway // 100 Holiday Cards

My word for this holiday season is COZY.  I’m feeling like hibernating inside my house with a warm blanket, cuddled up on the couch with a hot cocoa and just…

Organized Shoes

Organized Shoes

Over the last year or so, I’ve been slowly editing the contents of my closet and rearranging things.  I’ve gotten rid of clothes I never wear and items that no longer fit….

2014 Calendars

2014 Calendars

Hi all!  Did you have a great Halloween night?!  We did! Our neighborhood doesn’t get many trick-or-treaters and we considered taking our son to another, more lively area, but ended…

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Happy Halloween friends!  Are you getting all dolled up or is that just for the kids?  My little guy will be a Star Wars Stormtrooper, but we are expecting a…

Halloween Costume & Blog Announcement

Halloween Costume & Blog Announcement

First, let me apologize for having to truncate my posts (causing readers to have to click the somewhat annoying “read more” to read the post in its entirety) because my…

Finishing the Year Healthy & Strong

*First let me apologize for having to truncate my posts (causing readers to have to click “read more” to read the post in its entirety) because my blog content has…

Bloggers & Lowe’s in the City

Bloggers & Lowe’s in the City

I’m so grateful for the friendships blogging has brought into my life.  You might know that I met two of my closest friends (Cassie and Courtney), though this blog.  We…

Medicine Cabinet Labels

Medicine Cabinet Labels

We don’t have a traditional medicine cabinet, the shallow kind that hangs on the wall with a door that opens.  Instead, we keep our medicine up high in a cabinet…


just fyi . . .  via Candy to My Soul

Healthy Yogurt Station

After seeing the breakfast bar in my kitchen (which now includes a quick morning oatmeal), Leanne (Away We Go) emailed me to share something similar she does in her home with…

Nailhead Lacquer Box

Nailhead Lacquer Box

Sugar Paper is one of my favorite paperie stores.  They have the chicest and most stylish stationery around.  Years ago, I entered a giveaway on a blog (maybe La Dolce…

Vitamix Blender- Worth It?

Last year I was considering purchasing a Vitamix blender and then was shocked to see how expensive they were when I visited the website.  I was so naive about the…


Worship and worship music is a huge part of my expression of joy, thankfulness, faith, and love of God.  I enjoy different kinds of worship music, listen almost exclusively to…

Weekend Sales

Weekend Sales

It’s taken it’s sweet time, but our temperatures are finally dropping and I’m suddenly noticing tank tops and shorts aren’t cutting it anymore.  Time to pull out some fall attire…