
30 Days of Wellness & Free Tracker

30 Days of Wellness & Free Tracker

Hi friend! Welcome to a fresh new week! I’m really excited to kick off 30 Days of Wellness with you today. I’m including ideas for how to incorporate pockets of…

Shop Small Saturday

Hi friend!  How’s your Thanksgiving weekend going?  I had a sweet surprise where I got to spend some time with Jordan and it was lovely!!  We played, we baked pop…

Meet Luke!

Hello friend! Welcome to a fresh, new week!  I’m soooo excited to introduce you to the newest member of our family! Meet Luke! Luke is an adorable 4 pound, 13…

Honoring Our Heroes

Hello friend, welcome to a fresh new week. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are getting some time off today to enjoy the freedoms our brave military men…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend!  Thank you so much for the encouragement about my new fitness goal!  Y’all offered some really good advice for training and avoiding injury and I really appreciate it….

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend!  I hope you’re having a great week!  I’ve started getting outside and walking/jogging more and it feels so good!  I’m super slow, but I keep moving and went…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend! How’s your week going? I’ve moved Amazon Live from Wednesdays to Tuesdays at 12pm CT.  My latest video  shares lots of peeks into our new home and how I’m…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend! I hope your week is going amazing! I’ve been catching up on little to-do’s around the house and have a plumber coming out tomorrow to look at the…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend! I hope you’re having a great week so far.  The first day back from vacation is always filled with unpacking, laundry, and getting back into your routine. But,…

Just (the Best) Sales

Hi friend! Thank you so very much for all of the love on our new home tour!  Since I’ve been blogging for over twelve years, I feel like we’ve grown…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend!  It’s moving day!  Cue all the jitters, anxiety, and most of all, excitement!  I’m so thankful that you are as thrilled for us and that I get to…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend! How’s your week going?  It’s been flying over here.  I can’t believe we’re in March already with Spring Break right around the corner. Brian and I are going…

Just (the BEST) Sales

Hi friend!  I hope you’re having an awesome week!  I’m knee deep in a few minor home projects.  Ruben was here yesterday touching up some paint and my landscaper freshened…