Protein IQ

How was your Thanksgiving?  I was home the whole week with my son and we also had house guests, so I didn’t get in any exercise.  My body is craving a good workout, so this week it’s back at it!  I can hardly believe we’re in December already and it’s just 3 weeks until Christmas!  Let’s make these 3 weeks count so we can finish the year strong.  And so we don’t add on additional weight that we have to work to lose in the new year.  You with me? 

If you can’t make it to the gym and/or just don’t have time to workout, you can still accomplish so much by watching what you eat.  I love this visual example of how much protein, veggies, and starches should be on our plates.

And this list of proteins is pretty helpful too.  I aim for about 90 grams of lean protein a day when I’m trying to gain muscle and get lean.  I used to count and measure all my food but now I’m pretty good at estimating it.  If you want an easy way to track your calories, protein, carbs, and fat, try  It’s a free site and is very easy to use.
So, what are you doing to finish 2013 healthy and strong?  

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Meet Megan

Hi! I’m Megan, mom to a thoughtful teenager and spunky young girl. We call Houston home and recently moved into our dream home. I traded my lawyer hat to become a full-time blogger in 2010. I love sharing my passion for affordable fashion, home decor, organization, & fitness to help inspire you to take care of you!


  1. Thanks Megan! That protein list is a great guide to have. I am printing it off. Protein is a struggle for me because I changed to a vegetarian diet last December (almost 1 year strong!). I do try to get in as much protein as possible, including drinking Vega Sport protein shakes for breakfast, eating PB, veggies,cheese, almonds, beans and grains. When I don't get in enough protein, I just don't feel "right" so I try to stay on top of meeting daily protein needs. I am with you on staying strong the rest of December, my top 2014 goal is to continue my vegetarian diet but convert to a healthier lifestyle, no time better to start than now.

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