Is There A Happy Medium Between Enjoying Your Things & Minimalist Living?

I have spent several hours rearranging and reorganizing my closet over the last few weeks. I consider myself fortunate to have a large closet, so I want the space to be useful and look nice. As I surveyed the area to create organizing solutions, I realized just how much stuff I have (clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags). Over the years, I have pared down and donated much of what I wasn’t wearing anymore, but I also purchased more jewelry as a Stella & Dot stylist, thus adding to my collection.  
At the same time, however, I’m really drawn to articles like this that discuss a minimalist lifestyle, pursuing your greatest passions in life by owning fewer possessions.  In January especially, I tend to go pretty minimal and also go on a spending freeze.  During that time, I do find myself cooking more and being more “present” in my home.  But by March, with the weather warming and new styles popping up, I’m itching to start shopping for Spring fashion.   

Can I want/enjoy the new styles and things I already have and still have a minimalist mindset?  Can I admit I like my closet? Maybe the answer is in not letting my pursuit of things detract from the bigger, more important parts of my life.  For instance, yesterday, I was leaving a doctor appointment with my mom and dad and my son was home with my husband.  I considered stopping at the mall on my way home (child free shopping time!) but felt a little tug in my heart that just said I should go home.  I can’t explain it, it was just my Spirit speaking and I listened.  It wasn’t like anything major happened when I got home, but I know that tuning into that inner voice never leads me wrong.  Maybe stopping at the store would’ve meant that I wouldn’t have had time to make dinner with my son that night – and that was a precious time. 
I think we all have that Spirit or Intuition inside and the point is to let that be our guide. I’m sure there will be days ahead where it feels perfectly fine inside to do some shopping or buy a new outfit.  I can usually recognize when I’m shopping to fill a void in my life or because I’m upset. In times like that I should call a friend, exercise, or maybe journal or meditate instead.  Similarly, I have to make a conscious effort to put down the technology and devote time to my family.  I’m bad about this one with all the apps on my phone. I love checking in on my Instagram friends or browsing Pinterest, but I know I need to put it away and PLAY with my son, cook with him, read together.  He’s almost 4 and I say this every year, “this is my favorite stage so far.”  I’ve toyed with the idea of going television free, but really, who am I kidding?! First of all, my husband would never go for it and I still watch trashy reality shows. But I think about it and the advantages it could have. (Have you done this? I’m so intrigued by those people and I mean that with all sincerity.) 
I keep putting off finishing my closet post and I think it’s partly because I don’t want it to feel like, “Look at all this stuff I have and how well I organized it all” (ew.) because at the same time, I embrace being present with people, looking them in the eye when we’re together, and I know the real value of love and relationships.  Yes, things are just things. I’m proud of my organizational skills and have found a lot of joy in styling and photographing spaces in our home for this blog.  Whenever I get feedback from you that you enjoyed a post or that it helped you find a solution for something in your home, it’s very gratifying.  Thank you for that.
This post isn’t written to solve the dilemma about having/saving/giving/living with less, but so that you will know my heart a little more on the subject.  Do you struggle with this too? Have you found your happy medium?  I think I’m doing okay but could definitely use improvement.  
Pics of the closet will be coming soon . . . I just need to get in there and photograph it! 
Thank you Court for inspiring this post. 😉 

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Meet Megan

Hi! I’m Megan, mom to a thoughtful teenager and spunky young girl. We call Houston home and recently moved into our dream home. I traded my lawyer hat to become a full-time blogger in 2010. I love sharing my passion for affordable fashion, home decor, organization, & fitness to help inspire you to take care of you!


  1. I love this post girl! Actually if you to my blog and click on the Minimalist tab, i've done a lot in the past few months with embracing minimalism. And while it seems counter productive to be a fashion blogger and want a wardrobe, I realized theres a few ways to tackle that. I do the one in / one out rule in my closet. I cant buy and add a new item without getting rid of one. I also purge fvrom time to time not just my closet but all parts of my home. I do love my handbags though so I don't skimp on them, but in order to allow myself to get the best quality handbags i no longer buy cheapo ones. Quality>quantity for sure!

  2. My thoughts exactly! I love some boots that show how to enjoy living with less, especially the "Assortment" blog with a family of 5 living in a 600 sq ft home. I'm so intrigued by this concept and feel guilty at times in our large home. Glad I'm not alone! ~Kim

    1. I know we certainly don't "need" this much space in our home either. I'm glad we often have friends and family over to share the space with because it seems to justify it more. But, I have equally enjoyed hanging out with my friends in small homes when the vibe has been warm and welcoming.

  3. I understand you completely, I too struggle with my love for pretty and stylish things, organizing things for fun, and having time with my family. I work full time and I feel like I need a certain amount of "me" time, but I also want to spend more quality time with my two small children. It's a delicate dance, this life.

  4. I struggled with this in 2012. I felt like all my free time was spent at the mall. In 2013 I went on a spending freeze for the entire year because I realized how caught up in materialistic items I had become and how I was neglecting quality time I could be spending with my husband and friends. I made it the whole year and purchased nothing. I made it a point to wear EVERYTHING in my closet and if I didn't wear it, I donated it. I was almost sick as to how much I had. It is an eye opener when you really try to wear everything you own. Some people have nothing and here I was not repeating a blouse until the end of April. Now, two month into the new year, I have yet to purchase anything and I don't have the urge to spend on items that I could probably find in my closet. I got closer to God, my husband, and my friends throughout last year and I credit that a lot to me focusing on my relationships and where I spent my free time. It was literally a life-changing resolution!

    You can read about why I did it here:

    And what I learned from it here:

  5. One trick I have done is that I put away my out of season clothes. In the fall, I pull out sweaters and wool skirts and in spring the sundresses and light blouses. It feels like I am getting a whole new wardrobe every season, I'll pull out items I forgot I owned.

  6. I live television free and it gives me SO MUCH MORE TIME to do the things I want to do. Imagine if you had an extra 8-12 hours a week? You do when you don't own a TV. I have more time to volunteer, spend with my friends and family, not to mention time for me: to read, to write, to pray and grow closer to God. I've been toying with the idea of going internet free for a while. I've done it in the past for 3 months and quite frankly it was amazing. Once you get over the initial fear of missing out, you realize how much more you gain. I don't want to be laying all of my treasures on earth. I'm concerned about my soul and having it be the best it can be. Minimalism is a good place to stepping stone for me.

  7. This blog post really hit home. I find myself constantly shopping for my kids. I really enjoy having the "me" time while shopping and loooove putting together adorable outfits for them. But now their closets are over-flowing with clothes that they only wear a few times, since there is so much and they end up out-growing it. I'm also trying to figure out the happy medium with this and would love to live more simply. Thanks for being real and honest about your situation. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.

    1. Seeing the kiddos dressed in cute clothes is fun, and I bet even more so if you have a daughter! But they do grow so fast that they outgrow things so quickly. If I shop at places like GapKids, I try to always buy on sale because everything goes on sale eventually, or with a coupon. That helps. 🙂

  8. This was a great post! I hate to say this, but I think blogs/Pinterest/Social Media feeds into the perpetual need to "purchase more stuff." Something new and shiny is always coming out and it can be difficult to be the "only person without XXX" when so many daily pretty pictures. I try to limit my purchases to staples, but it's definitely difficult. This past year was really eye-opening because I cut down my personal clothing expenses in order to save up for our kitchen renovation. It was crazy, but all of those little pieces do really add up!

    1. Yes, the "small" purchases do add up. A kitchen renovation will be so much rewarding than a new pair of shoes. I think if the possessions are "ruling" our life that's when we know it's out of control. If they are making us feel "less than/more than" it's unhealthy.

  9. Love this thoughtful post! I absolutely love seeing photos of your home and organizational projects; they've inspired me so much. Please don't feel like you're ever a braggart or showy – you are humble! It's totally obvious.

    About six months ago I made the decision to quit tv, and it has seriously been life changing. I was simply tired of arranging my week/evenings/workouts/outings around shows I "had" to keep up with. Letting go of all that has been so liberating, and given me so much free time! I used to feel like my days were dominated by work, then making dinner, then off to bed then starting all over again.

    NOW, I wake up early and workout (because I didn't stay up hours later than I intended watching tv….a bad habit I had), exercise, work forty hours a week and still feel like I have my evenings when I get home! Ultimately, my life feels more balanced, and I am in control of my schedule. Perhaps the most rewarding aspect has been the quality time I've gained in my relationships. You mentioned your husband not going for it either – my boyfriend was the exact same at first! But once he saw how much happier I was, how much more energy I had, and how much more quality time we were spending together, he was sold. He doesn't even miss it now! Well, at least that's what he says….

    It may seem impossible to remove the tv – this coming from someone who watched ALL of the Real Housewives shows, the Bachelor, E News, etc, – but once you do it's honestly so rewarding. It's definitely something worth trying!

    1. Having more time for other things would be the number one reason I want to do this, also some of the shows I watch are just icky. I always recommend to people looking for "time" to workout do not watch tv, do a workout instead.

  10. I've thought about going tv free too. Honestly, it's all my honey and I do at night. When I brought it up I got yelled at…mostly by the kids. Haha. We don't even have cable or satellite, you would think we'd run out of things to watch. I do designate nights that are strictly kid nights. We craft or do science experiments. It's a lot of fun for them and I enjoy every minute of it.

  11. You were brave to write this, Megan! And I think you hit it on the head by listening to that "inner voice". I think we each get a sense when it's just too much or when we are keeping/buying things in excess or for the wrong reasons. There's something really appealing about the minimalist way of living. I've done it a bit with my clothes because I had so many things that I never wore or weren't flattering to me. I now try to look for versatile pieces, that flatter my figure and are better quality. I think the most important aspect of this whole topic is making sure we are actually using and enjoying what we have…and not keeping things that we really don't need, especially if they can benefit someone else. It's less about having "more" or "less" compared to someone else than it is about being good stewards of what we've been given. How do we use our income? What percent goes to daily needs, personal items, our homes, to others? How do we use our spaces? If we're blessed with a large home, how are we using it to bless our family, friends, and community. I feel like the push towards minimalist living is so compelling and so many people are moving that way, that it can make those with more space/stuff feel guilty. And guilt in regards to us vs. someone else shouldn't be what drives how we make those choices. The place those things have in our lives is probably what we need to consider. I personally can't wait to see your closet and how you organized it!

    1. I'm thinking the key is not letting your possessions posses you or control your life. I'm also very proud of how far I've come to accomplish the things I've done, like put myself through college and law school. Hard work, one day at a time, and lots of sacrifice!

  12. Emily posted something similar today. In the past few years (especially once the girls were gone), I took a really hard look at the "things" around us (my hubby and I). We weeded out big time a couple years ago when semi-finishing our basement, and it felt good. I then took it further and weeded out our closet, our kitchen, and it continued (and is continuing). As a younger mom I found myself buying the trendy/in things, the things at friends home parties (SL anyone?). And, while I am a very organized person…I felt like the walls were closing in on me. Too much STUFF!!! I got tired of having to pick up so many little decor things to clean. I didn't want to be burdened anymore by STUFF. I am in the process of going through things once more. I found that the trendy/in things that I purchased because it was hip and now or I'd seen it on a blog or Pinterest…are the first things to go. Why? Because they are not me! They don't serve a purpose, they aren't functional, I don't LOVE them. I think in the world of blogging it is so easy to get caught up in purchasing things to change up a room, so we can have yet another post. But do we really need it all, use it all? I think of all the money spent on things that ended up a few years later at Goodwill. Yes, someone else will benefit from them. But, why not be the one benefiting by not buying it in the first place and spending the money on family time? I am trying to go room by room and keep only what we truly need, love, is functional or has meaning, rather than just having a pretty room to look at. Great post Megan!! I think we too realize that as our children get older and become more independent, the less time we have with them…so it is important to seize the opportunity while you can. The kids won't remember what pillow was where or what was on the shelves, they will remember the time you spent with them. And, I think this is true for all relationships.

  13. What a wonderful post! I have been trying to become more minimalist recently, but just as you put it I like my things. I can say that I have definitely cut down on shopping, I've minimized our bedding and towels, and I do cook most of our meals but I don't think I've truly found my happy medium.

  14. Great post. I definitely think there is a balance. I'm not going to lie…I like nice things, and that's okay, because I don't put them before God or my family or the things that really matter. If I find myself getting to caught up in these things, I know I have to take a step back and realign my priorities. My "things" don't define me, and I'm very aware that they are just "things", but I still like them. It makes me cringe when people associate having possessions with being greedy or worldly. Things don't make people worldly, people do that to themselves. I think we just need to lives our lives with the right priorities and not worry about what other people have.

    As far as TV, we have been cable free for a while, and we miss it! My poor husband loves to watch sports, and I like stupid shows, but I'm not embarrassed by it at all…sometimes you just need to veg!

  15. I like this post. I think how minimalist you are is objective. For example, I have a pair of brown leather boots that I love for fall/winter. This winter I got a pair of black boots, too. I didn't NEED them as I can wear the brown ones with most outfits. It was out of the ordinary for me to get another pair, but I loved them so whatever. Then I look at the graphic in this post with a picture of your shoe shelf as the background. You not only have brown and black boots, but you have multiple pairs of each. To me, that is unfathomable. To you, it's normal. To each his own.
    I also have gone cable free with my 4 kids. We are not weird or homeschooled, either 🙂 My kids still watch TV and my husband and I still get to watch good shows, it's just that we do it via Netflix or a movie/tv show app on the iPad and stream it to the TV with an AppleTV thing. We pay like $30 a month for the cheapest internet and $7 a month for Netflix. Sooo much cheaper than our old cable/phone/internet was!!

    1. Yes, brown and black here. Some with heels and some flat, some booties and some knee boots. Don't Need them, but Want them to wear with different outfits.

  16. It's so true! We don't even have our TV hooked up and never watch TV. If I want to watch something I go online to find it or my husband waits till the season of the show runs and then downloads it and copies it onto a server he's hooked up to our network and our TV is on it. (He's a nerd and know's how to do this otherwise I probably would have the TV hooked up.) I don't think there's anything wrong with owning a bunch of fashionable clothes and shoes because you take good care of your things and donate when you don't want to wear them anymore. You have the right mindset and your ear open to God. He will guide you. And nothing is more wonderful than giving up that kid free time or putting some housework on hold to go play with your kids and getting huge surprised smiles in return from them 🙂

  17. Personally, I do not think you owe any explanation for what you have. Spending money keeps people in a job. I would rather you spend money in a store so stores keep employees employed. Stores associate hours are based on individual store sales. If people don't shop, then those people lose jobs and hours. Shopping provides jobs. Nothing to feel guilty about

  18. Two things help me with my minimalist aspirations. Actually three:
    1) I live in a New York City apartment!!! Unless you want to look like you're a hoarder, there is NO CHOICE but to edit, edit, edit. I recently moved in with my fiancé, and as a result I have even LESS closet space than before! So anything that is in there has to deserve it.
    2) I must be the only fashionable woman alive who doesn't really like shopping. Seriously. Since my closets are full with things I like, when I DO shop I tell myself that if I'm taking it home and adding it to my small space I have to LOVE whatever it is. So I shop infrequently and have a high standard for what I purchase. I once read an article about Angelina Jolie and how her wardrobe actually isn't very large. She edits like crazy and only buys really high quality pieces that are perfection on her. That's what I strive for.
    3) Having recently moved I realized how much junk I had, and for no reason! I never even used half this stuff that I had to donate to the Salvation Army. Now I'm determined to remember that at some point I am going to have to deal with the things in my space. Better to get rid of it as soon as I realize that it's no needed. With regard to clothes, I'm at a point where I have clothes I LIKE, but I don't WEAR. When that happens I try to remember that someone out there may really love this item and benefit from it and wear it, so I donate it.

  19. What a meaningful post. It is hard to grappled with divided attention and wants vs. needs. I think you are being hard on yourself. Stay in the moment, enjoy your family, enjoy your home, enjoy reality TV, texting, meditating, exercising, etc. Trust that you are on your right path. Your life is rich with rewards because that is your sacred journey.

  20. Oh, I love this post, Megan. I love that you opened up and shared so much. One of my all time favorite quotes, "The world is too much with us; late and soon. Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers" {wordworth} We are all guilty of this and you said it right when you said it's about listening to the inner voice. Not always easy. You have such a beautiful way of styling and your home is so pretty. We all love and appreciate every post.

    I am trying to put down tech more, too. These sweet faces need me to do that. This week has been no TV week for their literacy week at school and we haven't missed it at all. More time for playing outside, playing games, and snuggling up to read. Not sure I could ever kick it to the curb . . .but once in a while it's so beneficial unplug. Looking forward to your reveal photos!!

  21. I'm so glad I read this tonight Megan. My hubby and I have been talking about getting rid of our TV as well, just so we can have more time to do other things. We aren't overly obsessed with it, but sometimes you sit down to watch one show and that turns into 2 or 3 and before you know it 3 hours have gone by. Same thing with putting down our phones around our daughter. I want to be more present with her.
    I've also been trying really hard to get rid of stuff we just don't need anymore to create more of a minimalist lifestyle. It's hard when you have a large home; you want to fill it with things, but I've learned to appreciate having more simple, clean spaces. Not every single corner needs to have something in it 🙂
    And you seem like such a sweet person and very humble. I love reading all of your posts and seeing your beautiful home. It has truly been inspiring to me.

  22. I've been feeling this same struggle. I love pretty things, and know they're just things, but then sometimes get hit with this feeling that I might be happier with "less." But then I want "more." I don't have it all figured out, not by a long shot, but it's all a work in progress 🙂 Really enjoyed reading this! xo

  23. That was such a thoughtful post, Megan. I agree with you, and often I wonder how many things I could get rid of that I would never miss. I'm sure there's lots and I have a Goodwill bag that I pop things into once or twice a week when I'm like "Why am I holding on to this?" But I could still do a lot more.

    My husband and I gave up TV about four years ago and we don't miss it one bit. At first, I felt a bit disconnected when people talked about what so-and-so did on whatever show, but then all these new shows started popping up that I new nothing about and I'd just think: I don't want to get sucked back in. Mind you, there are those moments (in the winter, especially) when I just want to turn my brain off. That's when we watch a movie or pop in a nature documentary. I love those Planet Earth ones!

    Anyway, all that to say that YES, I agree with you! 🙂
    Annie XO

    1. So true, a lot of times conversations center on what's happening on whatever show. 4 years is a long time to go without tv, you have made it your lifestyle. Good for you!

  24. Its a struggle for me to spend money on myself when I know that the money could go to a better cause… like helping hungry kids. Or even, saving for braces for my own kids. My family is a one income family so we don't have extra money where we can just go shopping for new clothes every season. But one thing that I've learned is, everyone is entitled to do what they wish with their own money. Its hard not to judge some people (say billionaires living in their HUGE mansions) where they could be helping so many people with that money. God is the ultimate judge, we as people need to just support each other and let people be themselves.

    If you want to have however many shoes you want, thats up to you. For some, its not even an issue of whether its a bad thing to have a lot. Since you are questioning it, maybe just pray about it. I love your blog and your house is beautiful.

    As far as the tv, there is no way we would give up tv! It keeps me sane as a mom and gives me a much needed break. Some people do it, and I admire them for it. But its not for us 🙂

  25. I say to myself when I see things that I like, "yes it's pretty etc., but do I really need/want to have it"? Often it's enough to just appreciate the pretty things I see. I know when I go through and organize, get rid of, and donate in an area like my closet, I feel *lighter* afterwards, and I think that's a good thing. I also do as some people here have mentioned; for every thing I bring into my closet, etc. something goes out. The only place I haven't done this is my art room, but supplies do get used up constantly so there's that, lol……………All in all, I don't think there's anything wrong with having and appreciating your *things* as long as you're aware that in the grand scheme of things they're not important. If you're in the mood to lighten up the load, go for it, follow your intuition like you have been doing. :0)

  26. One thing I try to do is give one clothing item away for every new one I purchase. It feels good and helps keep your closet narrowed down to the classic, timeless pieces you know you'll love and have for a long time. Also, one of my favorite bloggers did a 30×30 challenge a few years ago that dramatically changed the way I view my closet and really inspired me to get creative. She chose 30 pieces from her closet to wear for 30 days. The outfits she came up with inspired all of her readers to get more creative and look at what they already had in a new way. (Shopping was off limits during this time period.)

  27. I Agree with everything you write in this post. I struggle with wanting nice things and trying to live cheaper and simplify. I have begun buying more second hand. For instance, a GAP jeans jacket for $12, an Ann Taylor leather jacket $40 and more…Also, for every "new" item I buy, one thing need to leave my closet. I don't have the space! Keep up the great job with your blog – it is inspiring.

  28. I too believe that the statement "less is more" is the best way to live. The more we have, the more time it takes to clean it, organize it, and take care of it which in the end makes us miss out on what's important in our lives. That stuff doesn't make us happy, it's relationships with our friends and family that should make us glow inside. I find that with spring around the corner, it's time to clean out that crap that holds us back. I'm on a "de-clutter my home" kick….so-O-ooo look out family….Hear me ROAR!!! Thanks for the inspirational post!!! xo

  29. Great honest post Megan. I know exactly how you feel! In fact, it's the reason I've been debating even sharing my new closet on my blog. Its been had for me sharing a lot of my new house for that very reason. It's not all I'm about and I don't ever want it to come across the wrong way. It's also the reason I haven't caved on instagram yet! I know I would LOVE it which is why I'm scared to go there. I will be even more distracted and with three kids who need me I just have to prioritize. My blog and Pinterest take enough of my time. It's all about balance, isn't it? Not getting too caught up in the "world" I guess and always re-focusing on what's really important. I struggle with it too! I do know that our adorable almost four year olds will be grown up before we blink and we don't want to miss a thing! And every stage IS the best stage. It just keeps getting better. 🙂

    1. Erin, as a blog reader, I want to see more of your home! You put so much of yourself into every detail and decision and what I've seen of it so far has come out gorgeous. It's funny because when I read your blog or see pics of your home, I just admire it and think its beautiful! And you are great at organizing, so those posts give me ideas too

    2. So sweet of you to say Megan. Thank you! I feel the same way about your beautiful home and organizing projects! And I really admire how much you manage and fit in a day. You are amazing!

  30. Hi I am a first time reader over from Orgjunkie. I think your post was very honest and I don't think showing off your closet and your hard work is bragging or saying look at all I have. And I personally am a sucker for a good before/after shot(s).

    As for the no tv thing – we allow our son (who will soon turn three) to watch an hour a day. He sometimes gets a little more when Dad comes home/weekends. I don't watch tv (and I used to work in it) by accident. We lived with family while we were saving up for a house and there was only one tv and by the time our son was in bed (so we could watch tv without him being around) my father-in-law was home and in front of it for hours. I don't really miss it – although I think my web surfing takes me away from truly being as productive as I could be but it's also my down time. I am out of touch with the news though – and that's not so great (although there are many ways I could catch up online). I also feel like my son is maybe a little smarter for it – more of my attention, more reading/playing/puzzles etc then tube time – although some shows are educational and he gets ipad time with educational games. I think as the weather warms up there are more (sunny) hours in the day which allows us to be more attentive and present. And at the end of the day maybe wanting to be more present allows us to take steps to get there. Good Luck!

  31. Look, we all sift through Pinterest and clip something "I LOVE this lamp" but there's no mention of the rest of the room because, eh, it's not exactly our style. Why shouldn't it be the same with Minimalist blogs? We read it, take what we like and use it as inspiration in our lives, not dogma. Liking that lamp doesn't mean we must make our space exactly as the picture, so the same goes with minimalism.

    1. I like your perspective Jasi, take what fits and leave what doesn't as far as minimalism goes. Some of it seems too severe for me, but I agree with the core value and intention.

  32. I LOVED this post. I too have wanted so badly and thought going tv free in my house, yet like you, my husband wouldn't allow it (sports, and soft porn, I kid I kid!!) and like you I am obsessed with my reality shows. And my kids….WATCH TOO MUCH TV.

    But I try and put things in perspective. As in, we will never allow video games in our home. My kids are 6 and 4 and have never not once played a video game. They go to their friends house and when they see their friends playing video games, they look at it like its the ice age or something. So I make small decisions like that.

    love the post 😉

  33. For the past 4 years I've been one of "those people" who is happily TV free. I do have a tv to watch movies but not cable. I've been so much happier, honestly. Commercials created so much unconscious wanting that I was always shopping. I spend more time and attention with my real life friends and maintaining long distance relationships. I am always surprised when people can name all the Housewives of x city but not their neighbors or senators.

  34. I have a lot of things in my closet but I've realized how to handle all my things and still feel just a little bit minimalistic about it. I sorted my clothes and realized that I owned a lot of clothes but they are all in the same style. Like, I own 5 shirts – one black, one white, one denim and two blue… So I've sorted my clothes by style instead of the classic top/bottom system… And it works! Instead of buying new shirts because I forget I already have a bunch, I always know that the shirt section of my closet is full!

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